Friday, December 20, 2019

Can Contract Theory Explain Social Preferences - 1425 Words

Analytical Summary: Can Contract Theory Explain Social Preferences? One of the revolutionary changes in the economic thinking is taking into account the effect of social preferences on economic activities. During the last two decades, experimental economics showed that, social preferences play an important role on the economic activities. For example, Knack and Keefer (1997) proved that, trust and civic duty have important contribution to economic growth. Also, Slemrood (2003) find out that, real per capita income is higher in more trusting societies. Economists fail to understand fundamental economic questions when they disregard social preferences. Therefore, studies related to effect of social preferences on economy are highly important. In this regard, Macleod (2007) introduces the possibility of improvements of social preferences in a way that it will lead to a better economy. He assumes that fairness and trustworthiness plays an important role for contractual relations, which affects the economic activity. He shows in this article that, desired contractual activities could be achieved by improving fairness and trustworthiness of people. In his study, Macleod investigated the effect of social preferences on economic performance. As recent researchers suggest, for well functioning economy, there is lot of things to learn from psychology. In this respect, Macleod considers fairness and trust to be the most important factors for alleviating distortionary effects ofShow MoreRelatedEthics Course : The Trolley Problem1487 Words   |  6 Pagesthe best part about it was that we were not given a correct answer to the thought experiment. Now that the class is coming to an end, I will use the knowledge that I have gained from this class to come to an answer to this thought experiment and to explain how I arrived to it. 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